sebina, you, sebinayou, opac, catalogo, servizi, biblioteca, utente, Bibliomore, università, bibliomo , Polo Bibliotecario Modenese SBN, Modena, Reggio Emilia,

UNIVERSITÀ-Biblioteca Medica

Novità in biblioteca

Largo del Pozzo 71

41124 MODENA


Referent: Carmela Palazzi

Tel.: 059 4224209


Sito web della biblioteca:


Wi-Fi : Con credenziali Unimore o Eduroam

Accesso disabili: Total access


dal 01/01/2025 al 31/12/2025

08:45 - 20:00
08:45 - 20:00
08:45 - 20:00
08:45 - 20:00
08:45 - 20:00

Services Info

Purchase suggestion


Interlibrary loan (ILL)

Maximum number allowed: 2 documents.

Document Delivery (DDL)

Maximum number allowed: 3 documents.

Internet stations

Available. Ask further informations to the library.

Reading and study stations

Available stations: 165.

Photocopy and PC printing

Availables for a fee.


Accepted. Ask further informations to the library.

Antique and historical material consultation


Regulation and service charter

Link to the regulation



Amount: 4 documents;
Duration: 30 days.


Amount: 4 documents;
Duration: 90 days.


Amount: 1;
Duration: 30 days.


Admitted. Ask further informations to the library.

Self loan


The library gives you access to different types of material in biomedical field: books, periodicals, databases, electronic periodicals, ebooks.


All the users from Unimore can join the library using their badge or their health insurance card. The external users can enter the library by registering the health insurance card or with a temporary card given by the staff.  


Reading rooms, ethernet, wi-fi, PC

In the reading rooms, 165 people are accepted. Each seat has the ethernet access. Wi-fi connection is available with Unimore or Eduroam credentials.


The entire collection is on open shelves. 

Book loan

Students from Unimore are allowed to borrow 4 books per month while professors 4 books per 90 days. External users can borrow 4 books a month only if resident in Modena or its province. Are excluded from loan: academic periodical, dictionaries and encyclopedias, doctoral thesis.

If the book is not booked yet, the users are allowed to extend the loan only once, within three days before the loan’s expiration.

Book’s return and loan’s extension

Books can be returned to the library’s staff or autonomously at the automatic station. You can extend a loan by logging-in BiblioMo. You can also phone at 0594224209 or ask the staff.

Photocopies and prints

A4 b/w 5 cent, colour 20 cent.     

Articles’ supply

Users can consult printed articles in the open shelves Collection.

The electronic articles are accessible from Oneclick. (Only for users from Unimore)   

Articles’ supply from other libraries

Through a service called NILDE, users can ask for articles situated in other libraries of the territoryand borrow them.

Inter Library Loan

A service reserved to Institutional Academic users: students, professors, researchers, academic employees and doctors. it allows users to loan medical books situated in other libraries of the territory. It is necessary to fill in the form at the information desk. This service is free, unless the shipper library claims the costs. In case of foreign libraries, the service costs 20 euros.

The libraries can send the requests through ILL SBN. For those who don’t join this service, please write an e-mail:  

Support during the bibliographic research

If you need some support during the bibliographic research, please write to ; librarians will be glad to help you. You’ll be given a meeting in order to offer a customized service.


The library usually organizes learning courses useful to understand how to use digital resources. The courses are addressed to students, postgraduates, doctoral researchers in the healthcare field.

Details about the resources

Details about the service